The Ultimate Guide To The Perfect Headshot


It’s been nearly two years since we wrote about this topic, so we thought it was time to refresh it up!

Despite all this time, the importance of a good headshot hasn’t diminished at all. On the contrary, it has become even more relevant and in certain ways more complex. In today’s world, where pretty much everything is driven by visual elements, your headshot needs to be able to capture someone’s attention in only a few seconds. Yes, you read that correctly… Few seconds is all you have to make a good first impression.

So, if those are the rules of the game, what makes an image the ideal headshot? In the past few years we have spent long hours trying to figure that out, and we came up with a few tips that hopefully will help you out.

Should we reuse images? Maybe not this time

When you are too busy it is easy to try to solve this kind of situation by using some old photograph your friend took of you while on holidays. What’s wrong with that? Let’s do a little cropping, so that your beach outfit is not too visible and voilà! All it’s solved.

The truth is, you should consider your profile photo as your own personal brand and in that case it should always be ideal. So, our advice to you is to invest in getting an actual professional headshot taken, as in the long run you will greatly benefit from it.

According to LinkedIn, an account with a profile photo is 14 times more likely to be viewed than one without. That gives you literally 14 more chances to get hired! Definitely, that is something you don't want to pass on.

Cropping here, cropping there…but seriously, where do we place the crop?

We get asked this question pretty often. The answer is always the same: whoever is looking at your photograph should be able to grasp an idea of who you are. On a general basis, we always crop the photo so that the face fills about 30% of the frame (think of a mid-body shot). We want people to be able to see directly into your eyes and create a connection with you. This might seem kind of poetic, but believe us: a photograph can do way more than just give a physical description of yourself (more on this below).

Give them a reason to want to talk to you

You might think that looking good is all you need to get a successful headshot. Oh boy, we wish that was the case! But there's something even more important: your inner self. Dressing properly, having a clean face and perfect hair helps, but your inner self is what will make your headshot truly stand out.

Being in front of the camera can feel intimidating, but if you can put aside your fear, you'll realize that the camera is a door into new opportunities. So embrace yourself and give it your all! Give recruiters a reason to want to contact you and, more importantly, hire you. Remember, a beautiful headshot is nothing if it doesn't inspire confidence and trust.

Clothes are just as important

Rule #1: Wear clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable. This is the most important rule of all, because if you don't feel good about the way you look, it will show in your headshot. Choose clothes that flatter your body type and make you feel confident.

We recommend mid-tones in the shades of blue, grey, and brown. These colors are flattering on most people and won't distract from your face. You can also wear black, but be careful not to overdo it. Feel free to wear patterns, but make sure they're not too busy. A small pattern can add interest to your outfit without taking away from your face.

If you're not sure what to wear, ask your photographer for advice. They're experienced in taking headshots and will be able to help you choose the perfect outfit for you.

Here are some additional tips for choosing clothes for your headshot:

  • Avoid wearing anything too revealing or too casual.

  • Avoid wearing anything with logos or text.

  • If you're wearing jewelry, keep it simple.

An Insider’s Opinion

Before you go, read this excerpt from our interview with Neville Bendiolla, Division Director of Office Team at Robert Half. He talked to us about the impact of LinkedIn, social media, and branding on recruiting candidates for his clients.

Nuova: How long have you been a recruiter for Robert Half?

Neville: I have been with Robert Half for 13 years. 

Nuova: Has the search for candidates changed at all since you first started? 

Neville: Absolutely. We are in an exciting time where technology continues to evolve. We now have access to network and recruit candidates on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and We are able to connect with a larger amount of candidates through different professional events that are marketed through Social Media.

Nuova: Do recruiters use LinkedIn and social media when deciding on whether they want to interview a potential candidate?

Neville: I believe LinkedIn and Social Media are great tools to gain more insight on the candidate’s interests and professional profile. Our clients have access to the information as well, so it is best practice to acknowledge the candidate’s social profile.

Nuova: Why is having a good profile photo important? What do you look for in a candidate's profile photo?

Neville: People enjoy working with professionals that he/she can relate to. Corporate culture is very important for hiring managers and the candidate. The client is searching for someone who would represent their brand and product while a candidate is also searching for the right match that meets his/her values.


Christopher Staats