My Forever Valentine
lasting love? leave it to the experts!
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and that means is time to get cheesy. We spent a great deal of time, trying to figure out what this blog post should be about. We considered many things from gift ideas for your significant other to Chicago locations for a romantic date. In the end we decided to focus on the most essential element: the celebration of love.
Keeping a relationship going for any amount of time is not an easy task, and most certainly staying together happily for many decades is something a couple should be proud of. Every time we have a couple's session we love to hear stories about how their love started and thrived throughout the years. Of all, that of Alex and Lili caught us daydreaming of love with capital letters!
Their story began back the early 60s (Lili likes to call it the Beetles Era) when they were still in high school. It was Lili's fifteenth birthday party, and Alex arrived accompanied by another friend they had in common. "As soon as I saw her, I knew I needed to dance with her...", Alex told us without hesitation. "... Back in the days though, things were not like they are now. There were no cellphones or social media. Everything needed to be more formal. So, it took me a little bit, to ask her out".
To our surprise, they spent almost two years dating without their parents knowing. According to Lili, the sentence "I am going out with friends", was her go to excuse when meeting Alex. Finally, when she turned 18 they decided to officialize their relationship and few years after to get married.
It's been 46 years since they said their "I Dos"...that's quite a long time! And we couldn't help to wonder, how did they make it so far? What's their secret??? Luckily for us, they were more than happy to share their best advice....and obviously, we couldn't leave you out of this!

Let's talk Patience
They both agree that this is a key element, when it comes to lasting love. As Lili said, "There can be good and bad days on both sides. It is important to understand and respect the other person, even when things get complicated. In the end, you both will only get stronger."
Always be truthful to your word
Marriage takes a lot of hard work. When reciting your vows to your significant other, you are not just saying a bunch of nice words. You are making a promise... and promises should never be broken.
Keep it fun...Keep it romantic...Keep it lovin'
As the years pass by, it is easy to fall into the routine and forget that love, just like a plant, needs to be nurtured every day. Just because you said it for many years, don't stop saying 'I love you'. Make it a priority to spend quality time with one another. Find new things to do together. After all, who said that the 'honey moon' phase needs to end?
We hope you enjoyed this blog entry. If you have any other advice for all the couples out there (including us!), leave us a comment below. We always love to hear from you.
Also, don't forget that our #SpecialValentines offer will run until the end of February!